Products & Solutions

Get started with your cloud-based ERP right away.

High Tech Programming

We have developed our products using Python on frameworks like Flask & Django. Our Solutions are AI based.

360-degree vision

We developed these products seeing the nature of the business industries worldwide, that can be customized according to SME & MNE's needs

Community Oriented

Last but not the least, we have a vision of making our products user friendly and make it more accessible to our community.

Compatible with all your Smartphones

Access your system with a single click!

Intuitive system

Industry Leading Enterprise Resource Planning Solution

AzmSol has designed the world-leading cloud based ERP solution that takes care of all your business needs. Manage all your departments and organizational branches under one roof.

Manage your book-keeping and accounting records

Our Accounting Solution is the most advance yet easy to use solution with multiple features to manage your financial statements, book-keeping and fiscal records through our all in one cloud based solution.

Built with the most advance technology stacks

Our Automated Solution is built on the most advance server-side language of Python with the perfect front-end combination of React.js. Empower your enterprise now!

Product Features

Mobile Optimized

We ensure that our users get the perfect layout when it comes to mobile devices. Our Solutions & Products are 100% mobile responsive with quick loading functionalities. Users can now enjoy offline solutions too.

User Accessibility and Ease of Use

Through our minimalistic yet eye-catchy design, we have ensured that our end-users can take the advantage of completing their operations with a single click. Manage all of your operations through a single tap.

Experience a new generation ERP

A Cloud Based ERP Solution with the best CRM, Invoicing, Inventory Management, Point of Sale, Manufacturing Resource Planning & Much More.

Cloud Based Elearning

Transform On-premises education institution into hub of digital learning with state of the art digital learning platform to design and deliver academic content to students - digitally...


Promote your business beyond physical boundaries and create stunning eCommerce websites to attract your customers from anywhere in the world.

Cloud Based HRMS Solution

Cloud ERP for Human Capital Management. Intuitive and robust software for a smarter Human Resource Management

Cloud Based Point of Sale

Modern POS software built for your business. Power your retail businesses and seize more sales. User friendly with automated reporting system.

Cloud Based Robust CRM solution

AI-powered CRM System Adaptable for All Business and Industries. Manage your sales funnel with no effort. Attract leads, follow-up on phone calls and meetings. Analyze the quality of your leads to make informed decisions and save time by integrating emails directly into the application. Your Sales Funnel, The Way You Like It

Cloud Based MRP Solution

Manage Bill of Materials, plan manufacturing orders, track work orders with our all in one intuitive MRP solutions.